Passed Said Lamb Maybe I Will Get Beef

steak and eggs

The Steak and Eggs diet is the best fat loss diet on Earth.

All you do is eat a big plate of steak and eggs twice a day and watch your belly fat disappear.

It's simple, effective and it tastes delicious.

[This is a long post, and we cover a lot. This is likely the most thorough and detailed post anywhere on the internet about Steak and Eggs Diet. Feel free to read this post top to bottom or scroll to the section that interests you most.]

  • Me Before and After the Steak and Eggs Diet
  • Vince GiRonda's Steak and Egg Diet (the origin)
  • Steak and Eggs Diet Overview: How to Get Shredded
  • Steak and Eggs Diet Results and Benefits
  • Daily Calories and Macros for the Steak and Eggs Diet
  • Steak and Eggs Diet Cost
  • How to Cook Steak and Eggs [Video]
  • Steak and Eggs Recipe
  • Frequently Asked Questions about the Steak and Eggs Diet
  • Steak and Eggs Diet Review
  • The Steak and Eggs Diet for Fat Loss (Podcast)

Me Before and After Steak and Eggs

Steak and eggs has been the bulk of my diet for over three years and has helped me completely transform my physique:

Steak and Egg Diet results
Left: Me eating Ramen Noodles. Right: Me eating Steak and Eggs.

Steak and eggs are true superfoods. They are a killer combo that builds lean muscle, boosts testosterone and burns fat.

It works like magic.

I'm never hungry, I'm more productive and extremely focused all day when I eat steak and eggs.

Steak and Egg Diet Origins

The steak and eggs diet gained popularity in the 1950's and 60's.

Steak and Eggs was the meal NASA Astronauts eat prior to launch.

United States Marines ate steak and eggs as their pre-landing meal in preparation for a long day of kicking ass.

I can see why – It's a hearty meal that keeps you mentally calm and clear, and is easy on your gut (no gas or bloating).

It was brought to the fitness world by legendary trainer Vince GiRonda. He called it the 'Maximum Definition Diet'.

Vince had his clients eat a strict diet of steak and eggs during the weeks leading up to their contest or movie shoot. He used the diet to get his clients absolutely shredded in record time.

Vince GiRonda's Steak and Eggs Diet

Vince GiRonda gets most of the credit for making the steak and eggs diet mainstream.

Steak and eggs was his secret weapon to get his clients chiseled.

Vince's clients included the world's top bodybuilders and A-list celebrities.

They sought Vince because he was The Man to get them in prime shape for the stage or screen.

Vince's ability to transform regular folks into elite physical specimens earned him the nickname 'The Iron Guru'.

Vince was light-years ahead of his time and was on the cutting edge of fitness science. His methods set a standard for bodybuilding and fitness that still exists today.

Vince dedicated his life to perfecting the human physique. He proved that proper training and nutrition keeps you youthful, strong, healthy and attractive.

When Vince was in his 40's, he beat men half his age in bodybuilding competitions – a testament to his methods.

Vince is famous for creating a variety of workouts and diets. He distilled much of his bodybuilding knowledge in his book, 'The Wild Physique'. Definitely worth the read.

How to Get Ripped with the Steak and Eggs Diet: An Overview

The steak and eggs diet is very simple. Just follow the five rules below and watch your fat vanish, your energy skyrocket, and your muscles appear like you have never seen before.

1. Only Eat Steak and Eggs

This should be a no brainer but just so we are clear – if it's not steak or eggs, don't eat it!

Prepare your meals any way you'd like.

Steaks can be baked, broiled, grilled, pan-seared or eaten raw.

Eggs can be poached, scrambled, fried, over-easy or sunny side up. Or crack raw eggs into a glass and drink them like Rocky.

2. Eat Two Meals a Day

Meals can be eaten any time of day. Meal timing doesn't matter, just eat your meals whenever your schedule allows.

The steak and eggs diet is perfect for Intermittent Fasting.

If doing Intermittent Fasting I eat one meal at noon at the other at 8PM.

3. Eat as Much Steak and Eggs as You Want

What other diet lets you eat as much as you want?

There's no need to measure your food or count calories. Just eat until you are comfortably full each meal. Your body will tell you when it has had enough.

There are no carbohydrates in steak and eggs, so the risk of getting fat is zero.

In fact, the opposite will happen – you will get lean and chiseled.

The protein and healthy fat will nourish your body and keep you full and satisfied.

4. Eat a Carb Meal Every Fourth Day

Eat a carb-only meal every fourth day of the steak and eggs diet.

Pasta, baked potatoes, oatmeal, or rice are fair game.

A big, fresh salad loaded with greens is also a good idea. Your body will appreciate the vitamins and minerals.

This carb meal will replenish your glycogen stores. By day four of the steak and eggs diet your glycogen stores will be zapped.

Starchy carbs provide the much needed glycogen to keep your muscles pumped and your strength up.

Eat this carb meal in addition to your two daily steak and eggs meals.

The carb meal is best eaten 3 hours before or after a steak and eggs meal. If you eat them to close together it will interfere with digestion.

5. Only Drink Water and Black Coffee

There's no faster way to destroy your diet than by drinking calories. No pop, booze, juice, or soda.

Anything other than water and black coffee contains sugar or artificial ingredients. Avoid these drinks because they will sabotage your progress.

That's all there is to it. Just follow the rules outlined above for 2-3 weeks and watch your body transform.

The Steak and Eggs Diet Results

The steak and eggs diet helped me increase my testosterone, beat skinny fat, and 'diet' while eating as much as I wanted.

Eating steak and eggs provides a long list of benefits, some of which are pleasantly surprising.

Steak and Eggs Diet Benefits

Better Sleep

I don't know how but I sleep wonderfully when I eliminate carbs and eat a high protein, high fat diet.

I have more energy and need less sleep when eating steak and eggs. I usually wake up right before my alarm clock goes off at 4:30 A.M.

Getting up in the morning is effortless. My eyes just pop open and I immediately put my feet on the floor. I am awake, alert, and ready for action.

More Energy

I have steady energy all day while eating steak and eggs. No carbs means no crash.

Maybe it's because my body doesn't have to process processed garbage.

Who knows for sure. What I do know is I'm bursting with energy all day and night.

Fat Loss

The steak and eggs diet turns you into a fat burning furnace by eliminating carbs and shifting your body into fat burning mode.

Build Muscle

Steak and eggs are loaded with protein for building healthy muscle mass.

Better Focus

Experience incredible mental clarity and focus. I felt sharp and could think fast. I have no need for coffee, energy drinks or naps.

Save Time

I cook, clean dishes and eat in under an hour a day. Plus I get a fresh meal that I look forward to and that fills me up every time.

It's very efficient and honestly makes life a little more enjoyable.

Fast and Effective

You'll notice a difference in weight and/or appearance within a few days.

It's perfect for building a beach body quickly before summer or spring break.

Lean Gains

Steak and eggs have every thing your body needs to build lean muscle while burning body fat.

This makes it the perfect diet for body recomposition.

Boost Testosterone

Oh yes. Last bet not least, eating steak and eggs has helped increase my testosterone by 200 points naturally.

That's because it provides all the healthy fats and nutrients men need.

Steak and Eggs Increases Testosterone

Testosterone levels in males are plummeting world wide.

You can thank the vegan diet, xeno-estrogens, and the snowflake mentality for this problem.

One thing you can do to reclaim your manhood is to eat like a man.

Men ate meat for millennia and were stronger, smarter and had more stamina as a result.

Attila the Hun's army only ate meat and they where athletic, fierce, sharpshooters who ran down their enemies over long range. The Hun's diet of horse and lamb caused them to stay strong through years campaigning.

I increased my testosterone naturally by 200 points while eating mostly steak and eggs.

My body got harder, my jawline got stronger, and my mind got sharper in the process.

If you want to be leaner, stronger, more productive, more focused then I suggested trying the steak and eggs diet.

The Steak and Eggs Diet Calories and Macros

I hate counting calories and macros.

There's no need to count calories unless you are a competitive bodybuilder.

One of the benefits of the steak and egg diets is that you don't have to track anything. Just stick to the script and you'll get results.

But, out of curiosity, I counted the steak and eggs calories and macros so you can see what you're eating on a daily basis.

A typical steak and eggs meal consists of 12-20 ounces of steak and 4-6 whole eggs.

  • A 16 ounce sirloin steak has about 40g of fat and 85g of protein.
  • 4 large whole eggs contains 20g of fat and 28g of protein.

This meal has a combined113g of protein,60g of fat and0 carbs.

If we add all it all up that's 990 calories for the meal. Plus an extra 100 calories for the butter. So you're looking at about1,100 calories per meal.

Double that number to account for your second meal and that's a grand total of 2,200 calories per day consisting of226 grams of protein and120 grams of fat.

The Steak and Eggs Diet Cost

steak and eggs cost

The steak and eggs diet is surprisingly affordable. It costs about $10 a day.

Sirloin steaks can be purchased at $5-6 per pound and eggs are dirt cheap.

Most people eat 1.5 to 2 pounds of steak and 8-12 eggs per day. Sometimes more or less depending on your appetite.

It cost roughly $10 a day. Maybe $15 a day if you splurge.

That price is hard to beat. You can't get a salad at a restaurant for less than $10.

How to do the Steak and Eggs Diet for Cheap

I get it, you're not made of money. Luckily there are cheap ways to eat well.

  1. First, you can shop for deals. Just wait for steak to go on sale and stock up.
  2. Or, you can buy in bulk. You can buy 10, 20 pounds of meat, even a whole cow, and save a ton by buying in bulk.
  3. The third option is to eat ground beef instead of steak.

Where to buy cheap meat?

Local Butchers –Search for butcher shops online. Find a good deal and stock your freezer with steaks.

Local Farms – Google 'farmers' in your area. You can buy large amounts of beef for cheap and they will process it for a fee. Recruit friends to split the meat and cost.

Local Market – I've found New York Strip steaks on sale for $3.99 a pound at my hometown grocery store.

I typically buy 20-30 pounds when I find a deal like this. I pick out a big chunk of meat and the butcher cuts it into 1 pound steaks:


You can go even cheaper by replacing steaks with ground beef. Ground beef provides the same fat loss and muscle building benefit.

85-90% lean beef is best for this diet. It's a good balance of flavor and nutrients. (The package shows either 85/15 or 90/10 – the second number is the total fat percentage by weight.)

Not All Steaks and Eggs are Created Equal

I'll start by saying any beef and eggs will get you ripped with the diet. That being said, some people might want to spend more on higher quality meat and eggs.

It's much more enjoyable to eat a nicely marbled filet pan-seared in butter than it is to eat hamburger meat. The results are the same, but the experience is much different.

Depending on how the animal lived impacts the food quality. Happy cows make tastier beef. Chickens allowed to live off the land lay eggs with rich yokes.

The more naturally the animal lived the better the food they produce will be.

Natural means the animal was raised in its natural environment, ate natural food, and wasn't pumped full of hormones or antibiotics.

Quality Levels of Steak and Eggs

Good: Steaks and beef from your local super market and generic eggs. Buy meat and eggs from animals not treated with hormones.

Better: Organic fresh steaks from your friendly local butcher and organic, free-range eggs.

Best: Farm fresh, free-range eggs and grass fed local beef slaughtered and butchered within the last few days. The fresher the better.

Just pick the steak and eggs that best suite your taste.

How to Cook Steak and Eggs

I created this video to show you how to cook steak and eggs step-by-step. Just follow the instructions and your steak and eggs will turn out perfectly every time.

Steak and Eggs Recipe

Now that you've got your steak and eggs it's time to EAT.

Here's how I cook my steak and eggs. First you need all the ingredients:

  • 1 sirloin steak
  • 4 free range whole eggs
  • Grass-fed butter
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

Now, toss a knob of butter in the pan and set heat to 7.

Season meat with salt and pepper while the butter melts. Once the butter start to bubble add the steaks to the pan.

Let it sizzle for a few minutes then flip it to the other side for another few minutes.

The steak should be brown with a nice sear on both sides. Remove from heat when it's at the desired doneness and chow down.

I like fresh ground black pepper and Himalayan pink salt. But you can use your favorite seasoning blend.

I recommend getting a nice non-stick skillet and a spatula if you don't have one already.

Having the right tools for the job will make your life easier. Cooking is more enjoyable and clean up is much faster with good cookware. It will also last forever if you take care of it.

Steak and Eggs Diet Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long should you do the Steak and Eggs Diet?
  • What other foods are allowed on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
  • Should you workout while eating a Steak and Eggs Diet?
  • Is Steak and Eggs healthy?
  • Is Steak and Eggs Keto?
  • Can you take supplements on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
  • Aren't steak and eggs high in fat and cholesterol?
  • What if I can't cook Steak and Eggs everyday?

How long should you do the steak and eggs diet?

Start with 2-3 weeks. If you want to keep going then keep going.

What other foods are allowed on the Steak and Eggs Diet?

No foods are allowed other than steak, eggs and butter. Every fourth or fifth day you can eat a carb only meal.

If you get hungry in between meals, eat a few hard boiled eggs.

Should you workout while on the Steak and Eggs Diet?

You should do light exercise at a minimum. A brisk 30-minute walk everyday at the very least.

Lifting 3 or 4 days a week with moderate volume should be good for most people. It  will also positively impact your results in a big way.

You don't need to kill yourself in the gym, just train hard a few times a week and let the diet do most of the work.

Should you take supplementing during the Steak and Eggs Diet?

Steak and eggs gives you everything you need but there are a few supplements that you could take while on the diet.

I recommend these supplements for daily use regardless of if you do the steak and eggs diet or not.

Kelp – One or two kelp tablets a day is good for overall health. It's a natural source of Iodine and keeps your cells healthy.

Liver Tablets – Liver tablets are a great way to boost energy, stamina and endurance while getting extra protein into your system. These are my favorite supplement and an open secret that it totally overlooked.

Multi-vitamin – Get yourself a quality multivitamin to cover all your nutritional bases. Or, opt for a Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc plus Vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin C – Is a great idea since that's one of the only downfalls of this diet is that there's not much Vitamin C.

Fiber Supplement – Add in a fiber supplement. It's good practice for overall health and I would consider it if doing the diet for more than two weeks.

Nutritional Yeast – Sprinkle this stuff on your carb-meal for a boost of vitamins and minerals.

What about protein shakes?I wouldn't drink protein shakes unless it's your carb day. If you do want a shake on carb day, get a quality whey protein concentrate. Or you can drink egg white straight from a carton for extra protein.

Is Steak and Eggs healthy?


The steak and eggs diet is probably one of the healthiest diets out there if you use your body like you are supposed to and if you don't eat anything else other than green vegetables.

Is Steak and Eggs Keto?


Steak and eggs is keto because it is low carb, high fat and high protein.

But Aren't Cholesterol and Fat Bad for You?

Your great-grand parents ate meat and butter and lived to be 90 years old. That's because they used their body and ate natural diets high in fat and cholesterol.

I've been eating steak and eggs doused in butter everyday for over three years and guess what? My blood cholesterol levels are at healthy ranges.

My 'bad' cholesterol levels actually dropped since eating steak and eggs. Likely because steak and eggs replaced the processed foods I was eating and because I lost 30 pounds of fat.

Know what else I do everyday? I move. I use my body. I go for a walk, a jog, a bike ride, a lifting session. Something, anything to move my body like nature intended.

High cholesterol is a huge problem, but it's caused by lifestyle choices – like not moving much, being a couch potato, and eating processed crap. Not by eating real foods.

If you're fat you're likely to have high cholesterol. Cut out the processed foods and move 30 minutes a day and watch the magic happen.

Animal fat is good for you. Red meat is good for you.

So about fat…

Fat gets bad rap because people believe fat will make you fat. This is wrong, but many people allow others to do their thinking for them. Eating natural fat does not make you fat. Sitting on your ass all day eating Cheetos makes you fat.

Eating processed foods and refined carbohydrates makes you fat. This is why people that eat reduced calorie and 'diet' foods just keep getting bigger. There's no nutrition, and now your body has to process all the bullshit filler ingredients.

Bottom line: You need dietary fat and cholesterol. They are necessary for optimal health, energy, and testosterone production.

What if I can't cook steak and eggs everyday?

Pre-make beef patties and hard boiled eggs.

Portion them out into microwavable glass containers and you're good to go wherever life takes you.

The Steak and Eggs Diet Review Conclusion

I love the steak and eggs diet because it's simple and it works.

No other diet lets you eat as much food as you want and still build muscle and burn fat. None.

People hate dieting because diets are a hassle and it makes them hungry all the time. You'll rarely be hungry eating steak and eggs because the meals are so filling.

People love steak and eggs because it's easy and you eat delicious food every day.

You don't count calories, track macros, or trade 'points' for food.

Steak and Eggs are Superfoods

While researching nutrition, performance and trying steak and eggs for myself, I've come to the conclusion that they are true superfoods.

There's no better source of nutrition to be found anywhere.

The best way to use steak and eggs diet is for 2-3 weeks, when you need to get into great shape quickly. It's also a great way to kick start a diet. Seeing that fast improvement really energizes you to keep going.

Steak and eggs is great for those with weight to lose or who want to lean out  to show off their physique.

But if you're a skinny guy wanting to bulk up, I would eat steak, eggs, plus everything else you can get your hands on.

All in all, the Steak and Eggs Diet is simple, straight forward, low maintenance, and inexpensive. It's definitely not vegan, but at least it's gluten free.

Kings eat meat, serfs eat wheat. Remember that.

If you want to learn more about the Steak and Eggs Diet, check out my podcast episode about it on the youtube video below. Or, get ahold of me on Instagram @ironandgrit

All About the Steak and Eggs Diet for Fat Loss (Iron & Grit Podcast)

'Til next time.



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